Taka’s blog

A software engineer's blog who works at a start-up in London

Went to RubyKaigi 2016 as a Ruby Sponsor

I went to RubyKaigi 2016 that was held at Kyoto International Conference Center in Kyoto, Japan from Sep. 8th to 10th.



My company, PIXTA, was one of the Ruby sponsors*1 of this conference.


I had plans on the Saturday so I was able to attend only the first two days but I enjoyed the conference well.

Aside from the conference, the main shop of Tenkaippin Ramen (天下一品総本店) is located near the venue, so I had a ramen which was only available in the shop, Ramen with Beef Sinew (牛すじラーメン). That was great!


Many things in Kansai region brought back memories since I went Osaka University, and I met up with some friends in Osaka during this trip.

The trip was so awesome and I had a lot of fun!

*1:Ruby sponsors are the supreme sponsors!